Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Where it All Began

What better day to start my blog then on the day it all began. 15 years ago my husband and I stood before our family, friends and God and committed to love one another till death due us part. We had no clue what was to come in the years ahead but we knew we did not want to go through life without each other. Best friends then and still best friends today. The years have only deepened our friendship and our love.

In the past 15 years there has been many joyous occasions but also pain, loss, and tears. We have seen dreams come true and dreams get crushed. We have reached the highest highs but also walked in some very low valleys. Our lives have not been different then any of yours in that way.

Our biggest Blessings have come in our children. Seven beautiful little miracles all with stories of their very own. Our two oldest boys grew in my tummy but by no means was it easy. Sickness, bed rest, hospital stays and near death labor brought our oldest into this world. He was then followed by his brother two years later in a less traumatic way. Our 3rd grew in my tummy for way too short of a time before Jesus took her home. The next five grew in the tummy of other women but God brought them to us in miraculous ways. Each so precious. Each a miracle.

Now to give you an example of our crazy life guess what we are doing on our 15th anniversary? The dishwasher repair man was suppose to show up this afternoon but here it is 5 p.m. and he is an hour away. He says it will take an hour to fix our machine. The one that has been sitting there for a month and a half waiting for the specific part to come in. Yes! Today of all days.

Welcome to our wonderful wouldn't change it for the world life!

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